Recovery from Childhood Adversity HOUSE icon =:> brief listings -- Browser <- to site

Social Anxiety and Self-soothing

  Recent research by Bruce and likely "senior author' Richard Heimberg, and fellow colleagues [LINK]  from Temple University, has replicated previous research showing high levels of childhood maltreatment...

Tragedy of numbers -- what's to be done?

My site is dedicated to understanding and helping others come to terms with the effects of childhood trauma, especially interpersonal trauma, and no clearer example of childhood trauma  on a large scale can be found...

Early life distress, brain changes, and internalizing problems

As a preface to the rest of this post, let me explain that by "internalizing problems" I mean such "internalizing symptoms" as depression, worry, fear, self-injury, and social withdrawal. This page discusses how...

Childhood abuse in late-life depression

Hannie Comijs and colleagues from the Department of Psychiatry, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands has recently had an article accepted for publication on childhood abuse and late-life...

Childhood Abuse -- Internationally prevalent

MARIJE STOLTENBORGH of Leiden University, Netherlands, has produced another meta-analysis of published studies, this time looking at the international prevalence of childhood emotional abuse.  Those familiar...

Prospective study of relationship between PTSD, anxiety and depression

It has long been known that PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be co-morbid with a number of other disorders, particularly depression and anxiety. However, what the causative processes involved in these...

Mindfulness training -- brief, but enduring effects

A recent study, published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience  [LINK] has found that two months of training, consisting of as little as two hours per week (participants were also instructed to also meditate on their...

Suicidal Ideation and Victimization in Adolescents -- brief review

  Today, a brief review from Medscape in their Continuing Medical Education series -- [LINK] Among youth who experienced peer victimization in the past year, the risk for suicidal ideation was 2.4...

Chronic Pain -- long term sequel to childhood abuse?

As visitors to my site will know, I post articles / entries when I have received news of interesting recent research studies in the childhood abuse ==> adult mental suffering area. I'm reliant on the services of a...

Childood Physical Abuse and Adult Mental Health -- Update

  Carlos Bianco and colleagues at New York State Psychiatric Institute have recently completed a US national study [LINK] of the relationship between childhood physical abuse and adult mental heatlh. It is...