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Forget the past -- at our peril

  Today, I'd like to "re-publish" a post I submitted to the American blog "the Higher Education Chronicle" in response to encouragement from a colleague who responded to my post to the PsyLaw - Psychology and...

Substance Abuse and Trauma -- Sad Truths

Previously in my posts I highlighted the research report of Professor Kate Scott of the University of Otago, comparing prospective and retrospective sources of data, linking experience of trauma during childhood and...

Treatability of Chronic Depression

In an unsurprising conjunction, my most recent (automated) advisory of new research from PubMed -- [LINK] -- reports of new research showing: in-hospital psychological treatments added significant (but not...

Developmental Trauma - In DSM5?

Great news, on at least a couple of fronts today. "Last night"  I received the following from Wendy D'Andrea, author of this important study "A naturalistic study of the relation of psychotherapy process to...

Developmental Trauma Disorder - Update

I've been struggling for a while trying to get uptodate information on what's happening with the field trials for the proposed new diagnostic classification for the problems suffered by children who've experienced...

Anxious Depression -- Medication?

In my last post, I reviewed the recommendations of Saveanu and Nemeroff (2012). Today, I'd like to briefly discuss one of them: Pharmacotherapy that will be effective in quieting the body’s...

Consequences of Biological Vulnerability

In a paper sure to please many psychiatrists, with a propensity to always place biological factors at the forefront of arguents for the causes of mental illness, and albeit in a paper written by those with financial...

Psychologists Board -- Shame on You!!

So you've decided you should go and see someone to get some help -- your problems have finally caused you to suffer a toll you're not wanting to pay anymore -- job, relationship, substance abuse, suicide attempt, a...

Finding a place of safety -- or the experience of quiet peace

My apologies for taking so long to write this post -- I think I was expecting too much of myself, after seeing posts like the following from Storied Mind -- [link] -- I didn't "feel" as if that was THE answer, and I...

Finding a place of safety -- or not! -- at Ashburn!!

Finding a place of safety -- or not! -- at Ashburn!!..  Last time, I promised to provide some guidelines about "finding a place of safety", well, as you've seen from "My Story" I believe in being honest! and...