These materials were obtained as free downloads from Psychotherapy Networker -- [LINK]
-- a most valuable resource for counsellors and therapists.
These materials discuss important elements in helping survivors of childhood trauma; in particular, their difficulties in intimate relationships. These relationships present particular difficulties for survivors, but are often problems shared with the rest ot humanity, so these videos may be of value to many, regardless of childhood experiences. Please note: these are in MP4 format, of approximately an hour's duration, and approximately 300Mb in size, so bandwidth considerationa are important. ALSO -- these are provided as "professional-to-professional" communicatioms, and must be properly cited (back to Psychotherapy Networker as the producer -- [LINK]), and should not be re-produced without proper permission.
To view the videos, click on the presenter photo or the video description. -- Please wait, loading will take a while due to the length of the video and your particular download speed.
Remember, these videos are primarily for the guidance of therapists. You might gain insight into your personal issues by reviewing the video(s) but if having difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact a mental health professional.
Check your download speed by visiting this site: -- [LINK]
Session 1, Overcoming Our Fears with Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Peter Pearson, Ph.D.
Why Therapists Avoid Doing Couples Therapy: Find out why clinicians are often so resistant to doing couples therapy, why working individually with clients with serious relational issues may be harmful, and how therapists can better equip themselves for effective couples therapy work.
Session 2, The Choreography of Healing with Hedy Schleifer, M.A., L.M.H.C.
Expanding Your Emotional Range: Learn how therapists can work with emotion by distinguishing content from process, developing a nourishing, nonverbal connection between partners, and carefully defining a role as a differentiated guide.
Session 3, In or Out? with William Doherty, Ph.D.
Helping Couples with Different Divorce Agendas: Learn how to effectively help couples who may have different agendas in mind by using Discernment Counseling, an approach that helps couples clarify their feelings about divorce and determine whether they’re ready for reconciliation.
Session 4, Confidentiality, Secrets, and How to Deal with Affairs with Esther Perel, M.A., L.M.F.T.
Learn about how to help couples rebuild trust and intimacy after an affair, understand the variety of different cultural perspectives on affairs, and learn how—contrary to conventional wisdom — some infidelities can actually transform, rather than traumatize, a relationship.
Session 5, Angry Women, Withdrawn Men with Jette Simon, Lic.
Breaking Through in Couples Therapy: Examine the classic dynamic of couples therapy that often leaves therapists stuck and confused — an angry woman clashing with a withdrawn man — and learn how clinicians can more effectively work with male shame and female fear of disconnection.
Session 6, Taking Off the Masks with David Schnarch, Ph.D.
Truth-Telling in Couples Work: Explore unconventional perspectives on confronting partners and discover methods for helping clients improve their relationships—not by soothing their inner children, but by challenging them to change themselves.
Listen to this discussion of the importance of attachment styles to couples' functioning -- Enjoy the presentation and learn more about how DARe can help you find more lasting, satisfying love -- [LINK]
DARe -- Dynamic Attachment Re-Patterning Experience -- [LINK]