Research-based Recovery Information*
for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Adversity


Opportunities will be posted to be involved in research.

All research data collected is protected by SurveyMonkey's secure SSL encryption - [link]

As a result of a recent literature search, I have developed a small number of surveys which I'd appreciate site users filling out, whether or not they have experienced abuse or trauma during their childhood. Each survey should only take about ten minutes to complete. I don't think filling out the surveys will result in experiencing any adverse emotional or other effects, but if you do experience any adverse consequences (ongoing emotional distress, say), please don't hesitate to contact your health care provider, and later let me know what you experienced, so I can revise the survey, or advise you further. Unfortunately, because of how the survey is hosted, on the internet, and its being anonymous I can't take more direct responsibility, or offer more direct assistance.

Remember all surveys are VOLUNTARY and ANONYMOUS -- I'm not even able to track users' previous response to other surveys on the site, so there is a potential for "redundant" and misleading information to be collected if you respond differently to the same questions over the different surveys. Please try to ensure you respond the same way to the same questions on the different surveys. -- I'd really appreciate it if people could respond to more than one survey, and allow me permission to collate your responses across the different surveys you complete. This will require some loss of confidentiality though. BUT these surveys will enable therapeutically meaningful data to be collected which can readily contribute to the development of clinical practice guidelines. If you wish, you can complete more than one survey, have me collate, score and interpret your responses, and then provide a brief summary you can take to your treatment provider or counsellor to assist in your own therapy.

If you wish to be sure to be advised of the outcome of a particular study, please enter your email addrress when completing the survey(s).

The first "survey" I ask ALL site users to complete is the Site User Survey [link] to let me know what you think of the site and how it can be an even better service for you.

Other surveys currently available include:

Please don't forget to complete the Site User Survey -- available here [link] -- that information is very valuable in gauging the sorts of information and other services adult survivors of childhood trauma desire.