Recovery from Childhood Adversity HOUSE icon =:> brief listings -- Browser <- to site

What Happens to the Brain During Sexual Assault

Today,  I'm re-posting directly a couple of posts I've recently received from other sources, due to their implications for effective and safe treatment -- see my previous post: Following up from my recent posts...

Self-Help for Survivors of Chronic Trauma

My apologies for this later than usual post -- I was let down by my "greed" for a "great deal" -- SurDoc was offering 100Gb of Cloud storage free for the first 12 months. Unfortunately, they failed to deliver on...

Mens sana in corpore sano - Brain science and health

Thirty years ago (and probably longer, but memory fails me!) when I first studied Neuropsychology, psychologists had little hope for people's continued recovery from brain damage beyond the initial three years...

Killer or Cure-all? -- Surviving Psychiatric Treatment

For today's post, I wish to re-visit "the past", the past of a few years ago, and about a month ago. Topics I wish to briefly discuss today include  (i) changes and finalisation of changes to the American...

Developmental Trauma Disorder -- Worthy of formal diagnosis?

  Schmid et al (2013)  [LINK] have called into question whether or not it is desirable for Developmental Trauma Disorder -- a "childhood" disorder I've spoken about often on my website, as my weinsite is...

Genes -- later trauma response --- elusive search for link

It has long, and naturally, been thought that the reason individuals differ in their response to potentially traumatising experiences lies in different individuals different genetic makeup. However, the search...

Systematic review -- treatment for child victims of maltreatment

In a new paper (accepted for publication as recently as December 12, 2012) , Laura Leenarts and colleagues from the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, VU University Medical Center, De Bascule,...

In therapy -- how accurate is our therapist's self-assessment?

Insight-oriented psychotherapy -- psychotherapy based on the belief that if you can truly "understand yourself", then one has the basic requirements to recover from disabling forms of psychological distress. Insight...

Seasons Greetings -- Latest Research

  Season's Greetings, and best wishes for a happy and safe holiday period to all my readers. Thanks for being with me during 2012, and hoping 2013 brings renewed happiness and success for you in all of your...

Childhood maltreatment -- victim to offender

Tragically, some who are the victims of childhood maltreatment go on to develop offending behaviour themselves. This was noted over a decade ago, by Shields and Ciccheti (1998) [LINK] who noted that being the victim...