While most of these resources might have originally been intended for therapists, some people using this site could well benefit from trying out some of the techniques recommended. However, for optimal, and safe, benefit, I recommend you establish a good relationship with a trained therapist, discuss these with that person, and only then try them out for yourself.
These resources discuss important elements in helping people benefit from counselling.
The majority of the materials are in the form of MP3 sound recordings from webinars.. Please note: they are of approximately an hour's duration, and approximately
200 Mb (video) 100 Mb (audio) in size, so bandwidth considerationa are important.
They have been organised into three subject groupings:
Trauma-related;Skills, Development-related, and Therapy-related -- see the relevant tabs below.
Guides to understanding and dealing with the effects of emotional, especially interpersonal, trauma.
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Guides to developing skills in Emotion Regulation, Mindfulness, Relationships
This Page
Guides to better managing the conduct of therapy sessions; or to benefitting from participating in therapy.
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Skills Development MP3s
Discover what more than two decades of detailed follow-up interviews with trauma clients have revealed about the nuts- and-bolts do’s and don'ts of good trauma work and how to most effectively structure a collaborative approach to treatment.
MP3 format [LINK] See also this page [LINK]
Explore how the stories clients tell about a trauma event shape their experience of it. You’ll learn how to help them develop a more positive “untold” story, plus myriad ways to help clients bolster their cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral resilience.
MP3 format [LINK] Case Conceptualization Model -- (PDF [LINK])
Learn about how to help trauma clients gain greater awareness of their bodies and create a “somatic narrative” to work through experiences and disturbing emotions that may be otherwise inaccessible to them cognitively
MP3 format [LINK]
See also: Using directed mindfulness with patients who have experienced trauma [LINK]
Learn about the relevance of trauma work issues like family dynamics, poverty, and racism and how to broaden your clinical frame of reference to address the too-often-ignored sociocultural dimensions of what can keep traumatized clients stuck.
MP3 format [LINK]
Examine the special challenges of working with dissociated clients. You’ll learn practical methods for helping them move beyond their deeply entrenched patterns of avoidance so they can process the overwhelming experiences of abuse or loss at the root of their dysfunction.
MP3 format [LINK]
Dissociation and Trauma -- PPT Slides (PDF--[LINK])
-- access to a variety of articles in PDF/Word .doc -- [LINK]
Explore an attachment-based approach grounded in affective neuroscience in which the therapist builds a relationship as a trusted “True Other” and enlists the client in a process of dyadic affect regulation that allows the client’s own dormant resilience to emerge.
MP3 format [LINK] Website -- [LINK]